Ag Challenge

Whanganui Collegiate School has opportunities for Year 12 and 13 students to work with outside providers which contribute towards their NCEA record of learning and specific pathways. This involves students working with outside providers during school time for up to one day a week.  Students will miss time in their other subjects and there is an expectation that students will catch up on the work that they have missed. This needs to be a consideration for students as they contemplate this possible pathway.  Students must apply for permission to attend an outside provider course.

AG Challenge

Agriculture Focus
Students work towards a New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (level 3) with an agriculture focus. 

Credits offered: 22 credits at Level 2

Topics include:

  • Demostrate safe operation of a quad bike - 3 credits
  • Fencing using wire including nots, joining and handling - 4 credits
  • Handling livestock including moving, drafting and animals in distress - 5 credits
  • Check and report on livestock - 4 credits
  • Electric fences, faults and fixes - 3 credits
  • Safe operation of a motorbike - 3 credits